Extended University Management

University Board

Prof. Heinrich Köster

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Lachmann
Vice President

Prof. Dr. Peter Niedermaier
Vice President

Ltd. RD Oliver Heller


Prof. Dr. Stephan Hornig
Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Silke Stanzel
Dean of the Faculty of Applied Natural and Sciences and Humanities

Prof. Dr. Michael Körner
Dean of the Faculty of Interior Architecture, Architecture and Design

Prof. Dr. Reiner Hüttl
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

Prof. Thorsten Ober
Dean of the Faculty of Wood Technology and Construction

Prof. Dr. Martin Versen
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Dr. Andreas Doleschel
Dean of the Faculty of Management and Engineering

Prof. Dr. Sabine Ittlinger
Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health and Social Sciences

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Keil
Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Economics

Prof. Barbara Solf-Leipold
Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Representative of scientific institutions

Prof. Dr. Franz Fischer
Management Academy for Professionals

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Straube
Management Campus Chiemgau

University Commissioner

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kölzer
Women’s Officer


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[Translate to English:] Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch und besprechen sich in einem Gremium.
Governing and Decision-Making Bodies
Governing and Decision-Making Bodies
[Translate to English:] Mehrere Post-its zum organisieren an einer Wand.
University Management
University Management