Das ist ein Portraitbild von Eckhard Lachmann, Vizepräsident der TH Rosenheim.

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Lachmann

faculty of business administration, vice-president

Campus Rosenheim

Hochschulstr. 1
83024 Rosenheim
Room A 4.13

Postal Address

Hochschulstr. 1, 83024
Campus Rosenheim

Office hours and appointment reservation - Please note the information on data protection!

You have the option of booking an appointment online for Tuesday or Wednesday.

Your data will only be collected, stored and used for the purpose of processing your request in the appointment booking software Terminland. No other use or disclosure to third parties will take place under any circumstances. By using the online booking, you agree to the privacy policy as stated on the page of Terminland:

Basically, the privacy policy of Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences applies to this service.

Search for your desired consultation appointment online here and fix it directly!



Current Notes: