Summer in the City: International students get a taste of life at the TH Rosenheim

From June 26 to July 2, 2023, our Summer School on Business Ethics took place for the 4th time under the leadership of the American visiting professor Nils Rauhut. This year, 9 students from Mexico, Croatia, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Hungary traveled to join our BW and exchange students to learn about the ethical dimensions of challenging business decisions and ask themselves the question: How can I act responsibly in my daily work life? In addition to the content block event, the programme also included a student-developed Scavenger Hunt through Rosenheim and a bike tour to Happinger Ausee. The participants felt the Summer in the City feeling at the latest during the final excursion to the BMW Museum and Tollwood Festival in Munich. Five students then traveled on to our partners in Windesheim and Barcelona to collect the remaining ECTS credits (3 per week + 1 for an intercultural course = a total of 10 ECTS credits) in the Joint Summer School Programme